
Early extension bag drill

Early extension bag drill

Created by Ned Lloyd

The task

Place your golf bag (or other object) in line with the ball. Take your normal setup with a mid-iron, placing your left butt cheek against the bag. Take slow practice swings. Allow yourself to lose contact in the backswing. In your downswing, try to push the bag backward as hard as you can with your hip and butt cheek. Exaggerate this move as much as you can.

technique · both

Early Extension

The challenge

This task is designed to challenge you and keep you motivated as you improve. With three levels of difficulty, you can track your progress and see improvement over time. To move up to the next level, you must achieve the success criteria at least 7 out of 10 times. If you don't pass the success criteria at least 4 out of 10 times, you'll be relegated to the previous level.

Level 1

Without hitting a ball, and the bag moved

Reps: 5

Sets: 2

Total: 10 shots

Type: repeatThis

Level 2

Hit a ball, and the bag moved

Reps: 5

Sets: 2

Total: 10 shots

Type: repeatPrev

Level 3

Hit a ball within 30ft of a target, and the bag moved

Reps: 5

Sets: 2

Total: 10 shots

Type: repeatAll